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The Refillery LA reduces plastic packaging for households in Los Angeles

We're excited to partner with The Refillery LA for our next Second Fridays for Circular Fashion event! The Refillery is a mobile refill station based in West Los Angeles. Their main goal is to help people within the community reduce their ecological plastic footprint by having their mobile refill station in different locations, including coming to your door as needed.

Once you find a container that works for you they weigh it so that once you fill up your container with the product of your choice you only pay the amount of you dispense. Their services include products for just about all basic household needs, including soaps, baby, pet, personal care, and laundry detergent.

Come join us for lunch on Friday the 13th of March at the Corner Door in Culver City and hear from Kelly Murphy, founder of The Refillery LA, as well as learn about other solutions for people and businesses to reduce their packaging footprint!

-- Neyda Espana.


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