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How can Los Angeles's Green New Deal achieve its goals in the local fashion industry?

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti and his team re-released LA's Green New Deal in April 2019, as an evolution of the city's 2015 Sustainability pLAn. In it, 2 bullet points in Ch9 (pages 100, 103) address the fashion industry and retail sectors as well as the need to divert clothing and textiles from landfill.

LAs Green New Deal initiatives for Fashion and Retail industries and to divert clothing from landfill

pg 100) 2021: Pilot Sector-Specific Recycling Programs

Engage the textile and apparel industry to develop and implement zero waste manufactring strategies and divert unwanted garments from landfills.

pg 103) 2025: Establish Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Policies

Develop EPR guidelines to encourage retailers and manufacturers to recycle goods, take back materials, and/or reduce packaging.

These two bullet points represent 2 of the city's outlined 445 initiatives as apart of the city's overall goal to achieve zero emissions by 2050. So let's start talking about this!

As a baseline, we at CircularFashionLA, feel the Textile Recycling Toolkit provided by the Global Fashion Agenda provides a great outline for all stakeholders to come to a common understanding of the issues and overarching goals for the fashion industry to achieve zero waste by 2050.

Download the Textile Recycling Toolkit from Global Fashion Agenda and then let's talk about applying these principles to Los Angeles's textile and apparel manufacturing and fashion industries.

We'll post our own summary of the findings shortly, so check back!

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