California's legislature is moving forward aggressively to address the issues caused by Fast Fashion and other industries responsible for products that end up in landfill. These laws will address Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) and work to hold manufacturers and corporations responsible for the products they release.
In the case of SB707 (which, if passed, will take effect in 2032) it addresses the need for repair, repurposing and recycling of clothing and textiles so they don't end up in landfill. But like most laws, reading and understanding the text can be challenging. So we have help!
Our friends at the California Product Stewardship Council have been advocating tirelessly for this bill and serve as our go-to resource for everything you need to know about it.
Check out their site for:
a full description of the bill,
an at a glance fact sheet of the important takeaways,
recent press related to the bill,
and the specific advocacy they are doing to promote the passage of the bill.
For further reading and understanding, check out this February Press Release from the website of CA Representative Josh Newman who introduced the bill. Below are some key takeaways from the press release.
"Senator Josh Newman has introduced a bill to create a statewide collection and recycling program for textiles. Under SB 707, producers of clothing and other textiles will be required to implement and fund an extended producer responsibility (EPR) program that will enhance recycling and increase reuse in this important sector."
"By employing an EPR approach, SB 707 will enroll industry participants as partners and stewards to create an end-to-end framework that will reduce textile waste in California while supporting a second-hand clothing market that can continue to thrive.”
“The cost burden for managing unusable textiles has fallen on thrifts, collectors, and secondhand markets, while producers keep making products with no plan for what to do with them when they are no longer wearable. California continues to lead by holding producers accountable for planning and funding an ongoing repair and recycling program for managing unusable textiles and apparel.”